Success Stories

(View the Videos & Images Below to Learn More)

Watch This Testimonial Super-Cut

Watch This Testimonial Super-Cut

If There's One video to watch before Applying To Work With Us, This is the one.

Announcing This Year's 

Modern Musician Award Winners

Just a few of our standout clients in 2022!

Modern Musician Awards 2022

Awarded to the top Modern Musician Artist of 2022, chosen by a combination of team & community voting!

1st Place - "Diamond"

Fifi - Alternative

2nd Place - "Platinum"

Shane - Christian Rock

3rd Place - "Gold"

Hannah & Bliss - Reggae

Additional Finalists...

Russ - Southern Rock

Matt - Singer Songwriter

Marla - Jazz

Sally - Orchestral

Annie - Rock

Steve - Singer Songwriter

Morgan - Indie

Kaila - Hip Hop

Brett - Reggae

What Makes Modern Musician Different?

Others: Done For You (Playlist Promotion, Ad Agencies, etc.)

Most "Done For You" services will generate some numbers – all you need to do is give them some money, and they will take care of promotion for you.

The biggest issue is that it's difficult to know the quality of your new listeners.

At worst, they are entirely fake bots - but more often, they are casual listeners who are only streaming your songs in the background.

If that's the case, when the promo stops, your numbers plummet to nearly zero.

That means you are not building an engaged fanbase, and you're not making enough income to sustain these promotion methods by themselves.

You also aren't learning how to successfully market your music, which is one of the most important skills you need to develop long-term to build a healthy music business.

"Outsourcing your marketing" is like outsourcing your marriage. Some things are too important to give away - like developing an authentic relationship with your fanbase.

Others: Do It Yourself (Video Courses, YouTube Videos, Trial & Error, etc.)

"Do It Yourself" options can be valuable for an artist who has a limited budget. In this case, you'll be investing your time instead of money.

If you feel like you already have more than enough time available, and you're extremely self-motivated, this option may be right for you.

The biggest downside of "DIY" is that it will take much longer to achieve the same results than working with an experienced mentor.

Why spend hundreds of hours and frustration figuring out what doesn't work on your own when someone else can help you focus on the few things that truly matter?

DIY also means your odds of success are significantly less likely.

The unfortunate truth is, the average completion rate of a video course is extremely low (around 3%).

How many books and courses have you purchased without fully implementing?

Most of us feel overwhelmed already – especially when we're in the midst of constantly changing technology – so often "life gets in the way," and video courses end up collecting virtual dust on our computers.

That's why accountability and mentorship are essential if you're aiming to achieve the best results in less time.

Our Approach: Done With You (Modern Musician)

What makes us different is that we offer a "done with you" mentorship.

That means we have a team of 36+ coaches who will work personally with you to help you accomplish your goals. If you show up to your 1:1 sessions, there is a 100% guarantee that we will successfully launch your music marketing system. 

Our philosophy is similar to the quote, "give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach them to fish and you feed them for a lifetime."

At Modern Musician, our goal is to "teach you how to fish" so you develop lifelong skills – but what we've found is the best way to do this is actually by "sitting next to you on the dock" and guiding you step-by-step through launching your campaigns.

This will save you countless hours vs. stumbling through things on your own.

In order to be successful with your music career, you also need to have the right tools.

Can you imagine how difficult it would be trying to catch a fish with only your bare hands?

That's why we give you our cutting-edge StreetTeam software, which is designed to help you attract, engage, and monetize a fanbase.

In a single click of a button, we provide you with our TrueFan™ targeting system, automated emails, text messaging, websites, ArtistAI™ messenger chatbot, and personalized StreetTeam templates.

That means, what used to cost thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours – tech headaches, building your own websites, automated emails, and texting chatbots – is simply included in your mentorship, and we help guide you every step of the way to make our templates your own.

We're very selective, but if you're accepted, most artists say our mentorship program was the #1 best investment they've made yet toward growing their music career.

In fact, we often hear things like, "Thank you so much... I've experienced more growth in 3 months than I've had in 10+ years of doing this on my own."

To make sure we're right for each other, there's an application process before we get started - but if you're selected, the AVERAGE growth rate is 17x in 3 months working together.

Artist Case Studies, Results & Testimonials:

Streaming Success & Industry Recognition

Our Clients ↓

Streaming Success & Industry Recognition ← Our Clients

NEW Fans Paying Musicians $5k+

All From Our Fan 

Funnel System ↓ 

Musicians making $5k+ in a single day

All From Our Fan Funnel System→


"It's taken me from a state of feeling depressed and having low self esteem... to feeling like things are possible, and KNOWING that I can do something to change my career."

$8,600.25 New Revenue

$9,200+ Revenue In 7 Days → 

$9,200+ Revenue

In 7 Days  ↓ 

$10.9K Revenue

In Just 3 Months From

Existing Fans  ↓

$10.9K New Revenue

← From Fans of Their Music


"Connecting with the Modern Musician team and methods has been the best investment I have made so far in my career"

More NEW Fans 

Paying Musicians,

All From Our Fan 

Funnel System  ↓

More Artist Breakthroughs

Using Our Fan 

← Funnel System


"When I was starting out, I had no fanbase at all. Ground zero as far as my marketing...  After working with Modern Musician, we made over 100 merch sales this year."

Opening Sold Out Shows For Bigger Bands/Artists →

Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns 

By Our Artists ↓

Opening Sold Out Shows For Bigger Bands/Artists  ↓

Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns ↓


"At first, I was honestly really skeptical. Before I found Modern Musician, I thought I had things that were working, but I had no idea what you could create if you just new how to automate EVERYTHING . . . Now I'm selling merch on auto-pilot, which is INSANE."


Path To $5k/mo 

With Our Fan 

Funnel System ↓

Step-By-Step  Path To $5k/mo With Our Fan 

← Funnel System


"Modern Musician has done more than half the work and met me more than halfway on everything... I can truly believe in myself & see a future I could never envisioned before."


"Before I met Michael, our marketing was sort of in shambles..."

"We started the year with ZERO email subs... we're already up to 1,250 now."

464% Growth

In Just 3 Months ↓


Fan Feedback

& Lives Changed...

 All Using Our Fan 

Funnel System ↓

Fan Feedback & Lives Changed

All Using Our Fan Funnel System ↓


"Now, I have a plan... I've always been searching for that"

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes this different than everything else? 

There are 3 different options to consider when it comes to promoting your music:

  1. Done For You (Promotion Services)

  2. Do It Yourself (Video Courses)

  3. Done With You (Private Mentorship)

To figure out which is right for you, click the link below:

What Makes Modern Musician Different?

What are my chances of getting accepted? 

Based on current statistics, about 4% of artists who apply for the Gold Artist Academy end up getting accepted. But if you don't apply, you have a 0% chance of getting accepted!

If we're not the right fit right now, we will guide you through next steps to take, and you can always reapply in the future.

Why do I have to apply? Can't I just pay and get started? 

No, this is not like a vending machine or convenience store. 

We work very personally with our clients, and we have a very thorough application process to ensure that you are a good fit before you pay us any money. The only way we can know if you're a good fit is to review your music & application, actually talk to you, learn about your goals and challenges, and determine if this makes sense.

We are very selective about the who we choose to work with.

What's the criteria for being selected?

1) Your Music

We will listen to your music, and we will give you our honest feedback. 

If we feel it is not hitting the quality it needs to, we will give you recommendations to help you improve the quality.

The good news is this: there are more successful artists who are less talented than you, so usually it comes down to other factors than just pure talent.

That being said, if your music is not ready, we don't want to waste any of your time or money, so we only accept clients we believe have music that is currently marketable.

2) Your Mindset

We are looking for artists who have an entrepreneurial mindset – who are coachable, willing to invest in their own growth, and ready to learn.

If you're looking for a "get rich quick" method to boost your numbers with fake followers, we're not right for you.

If you understand that transformation often involves inner work, stretching your comfort zone, and trusting the process – you might be the right fit.

To get the most from the program, you must be ready for massive growth, but only when it's done in an authentic way.

I'm a busy person. Do I have time for this?

If you're asking this, you sound like most people we work with.

You might have another source of income that's paying the bills, or maybe you are already gigging full-time. Either way, you have a limited amount of time, and you probably feel spread thin as it is.

Time is a precious resource – that's why we've built Modern Musician to help you accomplish significantly more in less time.

We recommend setting aside at least 1 hour per day to work through the materials (or someone on your team can do this), and 1 hour per week to attend a 1:1 session.

The bottom line is, if you're accepted into the program, our templates & resources will save you hundreds of hours, potentially even years of precious time... how can you afford not to do this?

I make a unique style of music. Will it work for my genre?

As long as your music sounds good, this will work. After working with hundreds of musicians, it's safe to say there is not a single genre (or sub-genre) of music we haven't worked with. Based on our experience, the interesting thing is that our fan funnel system works exactly the same no matter what kind of music you make.

Our end goal will be to get you to a point where you have your own little "corner of the internet" with your ideal fans. If they are out there, we will help you find them. 

Again, your music does have to sound good, and we will vet your music before accepting you into the program to make sure your music meets quality standards.

I don't have a website or any kind of online presence... Will this work for me?

Yes, these are the things we help artists build... And that's probably why you made it all the way to the bottom of this page. Because you know you need help with these things. As long as you make great music, we can help you with the rest.

What if my songs aren't released yet?

If you haven't released music yet, you probably don't have an audience yet.

If you release your first song to the public without an audience, you will be sending it out into a void of nothingness and sadness where hardly anyone will hear it. This is often a very discouraging experience for your first release. 

Our marketing strategies work just as well, often better, with unreleased music as it does for already-released music. 

If your music is unreleased, our focus will be to help you build an audience with your music before you release it publicly so that when the time does come for your release, you have an engaged fanbase that is excited to pre-save, share, watch, buy, and stream it.

What if my songs came out a long time ago?

If you released music a long time ago, your music is still brand new to the millions of potential fans who haven't heard it yet.

Our focus will be to help you build an audience with your already-released content so that next time you release a song/album, you have a large audience of fans who are eager to listen & pay you for it.

This will maximize the impact of every future release and ensure that you never again have to deal with the pain of releasing a song you poured your heart into, only to have it reach hardly anyone.  

The truth is, unless you already have an active email/texting list with 1,000+ engaged fans, we recommend most artists wait to release any new music until we have helped you build an engaged fanbase ready to consume it.

Should I wait until [XYZ] when I feel ready?

It's up to you... but probably not.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

Our minds are great at coming up with reasons to delay things that are scary or unknown, and we never quite feel "ready".

What happens too often is we're always waiting for "someday" when it'll be the right time. Then eventually, we're lying on our deathbed, and our music ends up dying inside of us... it honestly breaks my heart to think about.

We all have a limited amount of time to be alive, and one day we will say goodbye to everything. Life is too short to not spend it doing what you love.

You're more capable than you think you are – and you owe it to yourself, the people who love you, and the people who matter most to you, to express your authentic self fully, and to be seen and heard.

The truth is, you have nothing to lose, but you have everything to gain.

You're here for a reason... so if any of this resonates with you, submit an application below, and we'll guide you through the next steps in our selection process.

A Quick Overview of the Process

Modern Musician Masterclass

"6 Steps To Explode Your Fanbase And Make A Profit With Your Music Online"

Michael & Modern Musician Have Been Featured On...

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In the nature of transparency and authenticity, at the end of the call, we'll invite you to join Gold Artist Academy only if we believe we're a good fit to work together. Are you guaranteed a spot? Absolutely not. Will you receive value & insight even if we're not a good fit to work together right now? 100% yes. Some people will take this strategy session, implement by themselves, and see a breakthrough. Some people will be chosen by our Talent Scouts to work together personally so they can get results even faster. Either way, if you participate in the free strategy session, we hope you gain value and let us know what you think!

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures and results discussed on this page and our call include our personal results and the sales figures and results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who watches “how to” information see little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. We know that your odds of success will be significantly improved by what you'll learn, but your end results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THIS CALL.